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This function is designed to abstract away the complexities of environment-specific storage management, allowing for consistent storage operations across various platforms.


import { setStorageItemAsync } from "@flexnative/authentication";


An asynchronous function named setStorageItemAsync that manages storage operations depending on the environment (web or non-web) and the provided value.

setStorageItemAsync Type: async function setStorageItemAsync(key: string, value: string | null): Promise<void>


NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
keystringtrueundefinedRepresenting the identifier for the storage item.
valuestringfalsenullRepresenting the data to be stored or a command to remove the item if null


A Promise<void>, indicating the asynchronous nature of the function with no return value upon resolution.

Function Body

  1. Environment Check:

    • The function begins by checking if the current execution environment is the web.
  2. Web Environment Logic:

    • Try-Catch Block: A try-catch block is used to safely handle any potential errors during local storage operations.
    • Value Check:
      • If value is null, the function attempts to remove the item associated with the key from localStorage using localStorage.removeItem(key).
      • If value is not null, it stores the key-value pair in localStorage using localStorage.setItem(key, value).
    • Error Handling:
      • If an error occurs during these operations, it logs an error message to the console indicating that local storage is unavailable.
  3. Non-Web Environment Logic:

    • For environments other than the web, it uses a secure storage mechanism, likely for mobile or server environments, represented by SecureStore.
    • Value Check:
      • If value is null, it removes the item associated with key using await SecureStore.deleteItemAsync(key).
      • If value is not null, it saves the key-value pair using await SecureStore.setItemAsync(key, value).