AuthContext, set up a React Context
A package to implement almost full authentication and protect routes with Expo Router. `@flexnative/authentication` handles user authentication and protecting routes using Expo Router. The package includes React context, custom hooks, type definitions, and utilizes `expo-secure-store` for secure token storage. This integration enhances the security and manageability of authentication processes across the application.
View all tagsAuthContext, set up a React Context
A package to implement almost full authentication and protect routes with Expo Router.
This guide provides an example that demonstrates how to implement authentication and protect routes with Expo Router using @flexnative/authentication.
This function abstracts away the complexities of fetching stored items differently based on the execution context, providing a simple and unified API for retrieving data across different environments.
This function is designed to abstract away the complexities of environment-specific storage management, allowing for consistent storage operations across various platforms.
useAuthState is a basic hook that persists tokens securely on native with expo-secure-store and in local storage on web.
Some utilities methods related with Authentication.