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This function abstracts away the complexities of fetching stored items differently based on the execution context, providing a simple and unified API for retrieving data across different environments.


The function asynchronously retrieves an item from storage based on a given key.

import { getStorageItemAsync } from "@flexnative/authentication";


The function asynchronously retrieves an item from storage based on a given key.

setStorageItemAsync Type: function getStorageItemAsync(key: string): string | null


NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
keystringtrueundefinedRepresenting the identifier for the item you wish to retrieve from storage.


It returns either a string representing the value of the item if it exists, or null if the item does not exist.

Function Body

  1. Environment Check:

    • The function begins by checking if the current execution environment is the web.
  2. Web Environment Logic:

    • If the environment is web, the function attempts to retrieve the item from localStorage using the key provided localStorage.getItem(key).
    • localStorage.getItem(key) will return the item's value as a string or null if the item cannot be found.
  3. Non-Web Environment Logic:

    • If the environment is not web the function retrieves the item from a secure storage mechanism called SecureStore.