🎨 Theme
The FlexNative Theme Context is part of the FlexNative and is available under the @flexnative/theme-context
NPM package.
The theme object is where you define your application's color palette.
By default there are two color palette light or dark from @flexnative/theme-context
You also can extend BaseTheme object to add custom/extra colors.
You can installing FlexNative Local Storage packages using npm:
npm i @flexnative/theme-contex
📄️ Default Theme
The theme object is where you define your application's color palette, type scale, borders, border radius values, and more.
📄️ Customizing Themes
📄️ Consuming Themes
This section show how to consume (use) theme colors for your components.
📄️ Example
Below example shows a full example how to extend ThemeProvider and implement setColorScheme method to support to dark mode