Text Box
FlexNative Text Box is part of the @flexnative/inputs package.
To use the FlexNative Text Box you needs to install @flexnative/inputs
Fallow this link on how to install the package.
import { NumericTextBox } from '@flexnative/inputs';
Type: React.PureComponent<TextBoxProps<T>>
props extends TextInputProps
from react-native
so any TextInputProps
properties from React Native it is applicable also in
Text Box of @flexnative/inputs
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
type | InputType | false | outlined | Input type. |
size | Sizes | false | default | Input Sizes. One of Sizes type. |
radius | BorderRadius | false | medium | Input border radius. One of BorderRadius type |
borderWidth | BorderWidth | false | none | Optional input borders width. One of BorderWidth type |
borderColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Input borders color according react-native ColorValue. |
activeBorderColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Border color for active state according react-native ColorValue. |
disabled | boolean | false | false | Set the input as disabled. |
color | Color | false | theme.color.default | Color by theme or a custom color according react-native ColorValue. |
backgroundColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Input background color. |
activeBorderColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Border color for active state according react-native ColorValue. |
material | boolean | false | false | Indicator if input should looks like Material input. |
helperText | string | false | undefined | Helper text about input. |
label | string | React.ReactElement | false | undefined |
labelStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> or ((state: StateCallbackType) => StyleProp<TextStyle>) | false | undefined | Either text styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether the component is currently active and returns text styles. |
prefix | keyof IconName or React.ReactElement | false | undefined | A keyof IconName to add icon form @flexnative/icon package, or React.ReactElement to display a custom element as prefix adornments |
prefixStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle or TextStyle> or ((state: StateCallbackType) => StyleProp<TextStyle>) | false | undefined | Custom style for for prefix component. Either view styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether the component is currently active and returns view styles. |
prefixSeparator | boolean | false | false | If true a separator border it is show on prefix element. |
suffix | keyof IconName or React.ReactElement | false | undefined | A keyof IconName to add icon form @flexnative/icon package, or React.ReactElement to display a custom element as surfix adornments |
suffixStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle or TextStyle> or ((state: StateCallbackType) => StyleProp<TextStyle>) | false | undefined | Custom style for for prefix component. Either view styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether the component is currently active and returns view styles. |
suffixSeparator | boolean | false | false | If true a separator border it is show on suffix element. |
isError | boolean | false | false | Indicates if the input has an error state. |
One of 'default' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'dark' | 'light' | ColorValue
Name | Type | Value | Preview | |
Light | Dark | |||
white | ColorValue | theme.colors.white | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
black | ColorValue | theme.colors.black | #424242 | #424242 |
background | ColorValue | theme.colors.background | #f8f8f8 | #000000 |
default | ColorValue | theme.colors.default | #f5f5f5 | #404040 |
card | ColorValue | theme.colors.card | #ffffff | #232323 |
text | ColorValue | theme.colors.text | #424242 | #ffffff |
border | ColorValue | theme.colors.border | #42424226 | #ffffff1A |
placeholder | ColorValue | theme.colors.placeholder | #0000001A | #FFFFFF1A |
info | ColorValue | theme.colors.info | #3e80ed | #3e80ed |
success | ColorValue | theme.colors.success | #5ec232 | #5ec232 |
warning | ColorValue | theme.colors.warning | #ffc107 | #ffc107 |
error | ColorValue | theme.colors.error | #d51923 | #d51923 |
dark | ColorValue | theme.colors.dark | #424242 | #424242 |
secondary | ColorValue | theme.colors.secondary | #666666 | #5C5C5C |
light | ColorValue | theme.colors.light | #ebebeb | #ebebeb |
primary | ColorValue | theme.colors.primary | #ff6358 | #ff6358 |
overlay | ColorValue | theme.colors.overlay | #00000021 | #FFFFFF21 |
ColorValue | Any ColorValue chosen by developer. |
📄️ Default
The following examples demonstrates the Text Boxes in action.
📄️ Material
The following examples demonstrates the Text Boxes in action.