Small numerical value or status descriptor for UI elements. Badge normally appears in proximity to notifications or user avatars with eye-catching appeal, typically displaying unread messages count.
The FlexNative Badges is part of the FlexNative Framework
and is available under the @flexnative/badges
NPM package.
You can installing FlexNative Badges packages using npm:
npm i @flexnative/badges
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
Type: React.PureComponent<BadgedProps>
This component uses the ThemeContext
to apply theme-based styles.
Component extending React.PureComponent, which is optimized for performance by implementing a shallow prop and state comparison.
props extends TextProps
from react-native
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
text | string | true | undefined | Text to display on badged. |
textColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Text Color. |
children | ReactNode | true | undefined | ReactNode to render where to render the badge. |
borderWidth | BorderWidth | false | 'none' | Optional borders width. |
position | BadgePosition | false | 'top-right' | Badge position. |
borderColor | ColorValue | false | undefined | Borders color according react-native ColorValue. |
size | Sizes | false | 'default' | Badge Size variable. |
type | BadgeType | false | 'default' | Badge type. |
radius | BorderRadius | false | 'full' | Badge border radius. |
color | Color | false | theme.color.default | Color by theme or a custom color according react-native ColorValue. |
One of 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' | Position
Name | Type | Value |
top-left | object | { top: -10, left: -10 } |
top-right | object | { top: -10, right: -10 } |
bottom-left | object | { bottom: -10, left: -10 } |
bottom-right | object | { bottom: -10, right: -10 } |
position | Position | undefined |
Name | Type | Required |
top | number | false |
bottom | number | false |
left | number | false |
right | number | false |
One of 'default' | 'text' | 'ghost'
Name | Type | Description |
default | string | Badge filled with solid background. |
text | string | Badge with only text, ith transparent background. |
ghost | string | Badge filled with a transparent background. warning To have good appearance for 'ghost' , with custom color you should use hex colors. |
One of 'default' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'dark' | 'light' | ColorValue
Name | Type | Value | Preview | |
Light | Dark | |||
white | ColorValue | theme.colors.white | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
black | ColorValue | | #424242 | #424242 |
background | ColorValue | theme.colors.background | #f8f8f8 | #000000 |
default | ColorValue | theme.colors.default | #f5f5f5 | #404040 |
card | ColorValue | theme.colors.card | #ffffff | #232323 |
text | ColorValue | theme.colors.text | #424242 | #ffffff |
border | ColorValue | theme.colors.border | #42424226 | #ffffff1A |
placeholder | ColorValue | theme.colors.placeholder | #0000001A | #FFFFFF1A |
info | ColorValue | | #3e80ed | #3e80ed |
success | ColorValue | theme.colors.success | #5ec232 | #5ec232 |
warning | ColorValue | theme.colors.warning | #ffc107 | #ffc107 |
error | ColorValue | theme.colors.error | #d51923 | #d51923 |
dark | ColorValue | theme.colors.dark | #424242 | #424242 |
secondary | ColorValue | theme.colors.secondary | #666666 | #5C5C5C |
light | ColorValue | theme.colors.light | #ebebeb | #ebebeb |
primary | ColorValue | theme.colors.primary | #ff6358 | #ff6358 |
overlay | ColorValue | theme.colors.overlay | #00000021 | #FFFFFF21 |
ColorValue | Any ColorValue chosen by developer. |
Use case Examples
The following example demonstrates the FlexNative Badges in action.
Border Color
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import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderColor='crimson' borderWidth='hairline'>
<Button text="crimson"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderColor='#ed143d' borderWidth='hairline'>
<Button text="#ed143d"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderColor='rgb(237, 20, 61)' borderWidth='hairline'>
<Button text="rgb(237, 20, 61)"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderColor='rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)' borderWidth='hairline'>
<Button text="rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)"/>
Border Width
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import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' type='ghost' color='primary' borderWidth='none'>
<Button text="none (default)"/>
<Badge text='10' type='ghost' color='primary' borderWidth='hairline'>
<Button text="hairline"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderWidth='thin'>
<Button text="thin"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderWidth='base'>
<Button text="base"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderWidth='thick'>
<Button text="thick"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary' borderWidth={2}>
<Button text="2"/>
Border Radius
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- Code
import React from "react";
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
public render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius='none' >
<Button text="none"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius='small' >
<Button text="small"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius='medium' >
<Button text="medium"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius='large' >
<Button text="large"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius='full' >
<Button text="full (default)"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' radius={5} >
<Button text="5"/>
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- Code
import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text="10" color='primary'>
<Button text="primary" />
<Badge text='10' color='secondary'>
<Button text="secondary"/>
<Badge text='10' color='success'>
<Button text="success"/>
<Badge text='10' color='info'>
<Button text="info"/>
<Badge text='10' color='warning'>
<Button text="warning"/>
<Badge text='10' color='error'>
<Button text="error"/>
<Badge text='10' color='default'>
<Button text="default"/>
<Badge text='10' color='dark'>
<Button text="dark"/>
<Badge text='10' color='light'>
<Button text="light"/>
<Badge text='10' color='crimson'>
<Button text="crimson"/>
<Badge text='10' color='#ed143d'>
<Button text="ed143d"/>
<Badge text='10' color='rgb(237, 20, 61)'>
<Button text="rgb(237, 20, 61)"/>
<Badge text='10' color='rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)'>
<Button text="rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)"/>
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- Code
import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' position='top-left'>
<Button text="top-left"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' position='top-right'>
<Button text="top-right (default)"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' position='bottom-left'>
<Button text="bottom-left"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' position='bottom-right'>
<Button text="bottom-right"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' position={{ top: 5, bottom: 8, right: -25 }}>
<Button text="{ top: 5, bottom: 8, right: -25 }"/>
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- Code
import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text="10" color='primary' size="small">
<Button text="small"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' size="default">
<Button text="default"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' size="medium">
<Button text="medium"/>
<Badge text='10' color='primary' size="large">
<Button text="large"/>
Text Color
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import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' textColor='crimson'>
<Button text="crimson"/>
<Badge text='10' textColor='#ed143d'>
<Button text="#ed143d"/>
<Badge text='10' textColor='rgb(237, 20, 61)'>
<Button text="rgb(237, 20, 61)"/>
<Badge text='10' textColor='rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)'>
<Button text="rgba(237, 20, 61, 0.5)"/>
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import React from 'react';
import { Alert, Platform } from 'react-native';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
constructor(props: {}) {
this.openAlert = this.openAlert.bind(this);
openAlert = () => {
if (Platform.OS === 'web') {
alert("Badge clicked...")
} else {
Alert.alert("Badge", "Badge clicked...")
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' type='default' color='primary' onPress={this.openAlert} allowFontScaling={true}>
<Button text="default"/>
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- Code
import React from 'react';
import Badge from '@flexnative/badges';
import Button from '@flexnative/buttons';
export default class extends React.PureComponent<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className='example-block'>
<Badge text='10' type='default' color='primary'>
<Button text="default"/>
<Badge text='10' type='ghost' color='primary'>
<Button text="ghost"/>
<Badge text='10' type='text' color='primary'>
<Button text="text"/>
//Play with props to see live changes; render( <Badge text='10' type='default' color='error'> <Button color='primary' text="Playground"/> </Badge> );