Setup Theme Provider
FlexNative ThemeProvider is part of FlexNative and is a component that makes the theme available throughout your app. It uses React's Context API.
If you are not familiar with React's Context we strongly suggest to follow this link before starting.
You can installing FlexNative ThemeProvider packages using npm:
npm i @flexnative/theme-context
Using ThemeProvider
ThemeProvider it is a Class React Component that let's passing/consuming theme from all components through the App. It accepts a value prop which is the data that will be shared with all components that are consumers of that context.
ThemeProvider wrap the top-level component of your application with a Provider component, thus making the context available to all its descendants.
ThemeProvider it comes with the base structure for implementing multiple themes and supporting dark mode.
ThemeProvider it supports dark mode depending on the device's color scheme. You also can implement you custom dark mode beheiver, for more details read section ThemeProvider.
To change default colors or add new colors fallow this link on how to change default colors or how to add custom colors.
To support dark mode fallow this link on how to implement dark mode using ThemeContext.
Add ThemeProvider from FlexNative to the root of your app and update App.js as follows examples.
import ThemeContext, { light } from '@flexnative/theme-context';
function App() {
return (
<ThemeContext.Provider value={{colors: themeColors}}>
<YourAPP />
Using ThemeContext
ThemeContext it expects as value
an object of type ThemeProviderProps<TColors>
You can use one of default themes light or dark
from @flexnative/theme-context
or you can create your own theme as long you implements ThemeBase
To change default colors or add new colors fallow this link on how to change default colors or how to add custom colors.
To support dark mode fallow this link on how to implement dark mode using ThemeContext.
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
colors | BaseTheme<TColors> | true | BaseTheme | Where TColors object with custom colors |
colorScheme | ColorSchemeName | false | Device ColorScheme | ColorSchemeName from react-native |
setTheme | (theme: BaseTheme & TColors) => void | false | null | void function for change all theme colors. It expect as parameter object of BaseTheme<TColors> |
setColorScheme | (colorScheme: ColorSchemeName) => void | false | null | void function for change schema (light/dark). It expect as parameter type of ColorSchemeName |
and TColors
custom extendet colors.
Example of consuming Theme Context.
- Function Component
- Class Component
import { useThemeContext } from '@flexnative/theme-context';
import ThemeContext from '@flexnative/theme-context';
function App() {
const theme = useThemeContext();
return (
<Text style={{ color: theme.colors.text}}>Example of consuming Theme Context.</Text>
import React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import ThemeContext, { light } from '@flexnative/theme-context';
class App extends React.Component {
static contextType = ThemeContext;
declare context: React.ContextType<typeof ThemeContext>;
return (
<Text style={{ color: this.context.colors.text}}>Example of consuming Theme Context.</Text>