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2 posts tagged with "Icons"

Icon fonts are fonts which contain vector glyphs instead of letters and numbers. You can style them with CSS by using all styling properties that can be applied to a regular text in a modern browser.

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✨ Icons

· One min read
Redon Alla
.NET, React, Angular Developer

✨ Features

#ddf3362 feat(icons): add new icons and update package version

Added new icons including lock, unlock, filet-jsx, filet-tsx, file-code, and folder-open to the IconName interface and corresponding Unicode values in the icons object. Updated the package version from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7 to reflect these additions. This enhancement expands the available icon set, providing more options for users without impacting existing functionality.

✨ Icons

· One min read
Redon Alla
.NET, React, Angular Developer

✨ Features

#4cb6052 feat(icons): add new icons

Added three new icons: rocket, shield-lock, and fingerprint to the IconName interface and icons object. Also added a new variant spinner-ios. These updates expand the icon library and address minor typing errors for consistency.

✨ Version 0.0.6

#8aa3fef chore(icons): bump version to 0.0.6

Update the package version from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 in preparation for a new release with improvements or patches. No other changes were made to the package configuration.